

Friday, 27 June 2014

National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators Setting Workshops

Through a consultative process with key stakeholders, draft National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators were developed in alignment with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Strategic Plan and its twenty (20) Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Snapshots of the Biodiversity Targets and Indicators Workshops

The Targets and Indicators will allow Trinidad and Tobago to more efficiently monitor the status of and guide management and conservation interventions of the country’s biological resources  and as such would greatly contribute to the country, as a signatory to the Convention, in achieving the objectives of the CBD.

The Multilateral Environmental Agreement Unit (MEAU) of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) conducted three (3) Workshops to refine draft National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators. These Workshops were conducted on:

  • April 30th, 2014;  MEWR Head Office, Port-of-Spain - with an initial set of key stakeholders with the aim of refining the draft National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators at the 
  • May 27th, 2014; Works Conference Room, Old Government Farm Road, Tobago – with key Tobago stakeholders, to further refine the draft National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators; and on
  • June 24th, 2014; Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards, Macoya – with a wider pool of Biodiversity Focal Point Network members, to come to a consensus on the draft National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators.

This exercise was necessary to receive the input of the differing stakeholder groups on the draft National Targets as many of the Biodiversity related Agencies and Institutions would be relied on for provision of the necessary information. This would then facilitate our country’s ability to report to the CBD’s Secretariat on our achievement of the Aichi Targets. The final document that arose from these Workshops will be presented to the Cabinet as the National Biodiversity Targets and Indicators for Trinidad and Tobago.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Bonn Climate Change Conference

From the 4-15 June, 2014 the Bonn Climate Change Conference took place at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn, Germany. The Conference included the fortieth (40th) sessions of the  Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI-40) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological advice (SBSTA-40). Additionally, the fifth (5th) meeting of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP 2-5) was also held. 

High-level ministerial events also occurred during this period. The first event involved a round-table aimed at assessing the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol while the second event involved a dialogue on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action which was intended to provide momentum for negotiations on the 2015 agreement. 

Participants which included observer states and organisations, country parties  to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the media. Trinidad and Tobago was represented by Ms. Rueanna Haynes, Second Secretary Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations. 

SBI- 40 made progress on issues concerning the Convention Article 6 on eduction, training and public awareness among other agenda items. Strides were on areas concerning agriculture, research and systemativ observation in SBSTA-40.  ADP 2-5 discussed areas of mitgation, adaptation, finance, technology, capacity building, transparency and intended nationally determined contributions and other issues related to these elements.

Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh (right) and Mr. Artur Runge-Metzger (left) ADP2-5 co-chairs at the bonn cliamate change conference, june 2014.
photo credit :
Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh, Head of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements Unit, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources served as the co-chair of the ADP along with Mr. Arthur Runge-Metzger of the European Union at the ADP 2-5.



Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Green Office Policy Re-Initiation

On June 6th, 2014 the Environmental Policy and Planning Division (EPPD) of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) re-initiated implementation efforts of the Trinidad and Tobago Green Government Policy. The event was held amongst the MEWR  Head Office staff  situated at Level 26, Tower D, Waterfront Complex.

Green Committee, EPPD

In preparation for re-initiation, the Green Government Policy was used as the basis for the development of an EPPD Green Office Policy. Additionally, there was also the formation of the keen and dynamic Green Committee who developed a series of informational bulletins which were emailed to staff . The theme of this campaign is ‘Keep a Green Scene’.

  Key components of the EPPD Green Office Policy include:
  • Energy and Material Conservation
  • Waste Management
  • Green Procurement
  • Greening of Meeting 
  • Green Mass Communication 
  • Green Office Culture 
 The relaunch featured an address by the Permanent Secretary of the MEWR, Ms. Vidiah Ramkhelawan which specified her commendation to the Green Committee for re-initiating the Green Office Policy and her endorsement of the re-implementation. It concluded with a ribbon cutting ceremony between the Permanent Secretary and the Environmental Manager, Dr. David Persaud to officially mark the re-launch. 

Ms. Ramkhelawan  (left) and Dr.  David Persaud; Environmental Manger, EPPD (right)  by cutting  ribbons by the recycling depots located in the Level 26 staff kitchen to officially re-launch the Green Office Policy.         

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Climate Change Awareness at BGTT

The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) was invited by British Gas (BG) Trinidad to sensitise on its climate change initiatives their staff at their annual World Environment Day staff fair at their Port of Spain office on June 3rd 2014.

R-L: Ms. Batchasingh, Ms. LeungWoo-Gabriel and Ms. Singh conversing with  employees of the BG (left) on climate change initiatives in Trinidad and Tobago.
Ms. Jewel Batchasingh (Climate Change/Ozone Specialist),  Candace Leung-Woo Gabriel (Research Analyst) and Sindy Singh (Research Analyst) of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements Unit (MEAU) represented the MEWR. They gave presentations on the science of Climate Change and initiatives in Trinidad and Tobago  as well as answered many questions from the staff at BG Trinidad about the ongoing implementation of the National Climate Change Policy.


Monday, 2 June 2014

EPPD assists with YWCATT's Environment Programme

In May, 2014 The Young Women’s Christian Association of Trinidad and Tobago (YWCATT) once again engaged the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) to give support in the implementation of its environmental programme entitled "Environment: Our Space Our Responsibility".  The programme was intended to expose young women to environmental education.

The Environmental Policy and Planning Division  (EPPD) of the MEWR  shared their expertise and knowledge on the areas of Biodiversity, Waste Management, Ozone Layer Depletion and Climate Change. The Programme consisted of three one hour sessions with the Form 1 students of Bishops Centenary College, Roberts Street,  Port-of-Spain:

  • May 15, 2014  - Session 1: Biodiversity Conservation facilitated by Ms. Candace Amoroso  (Biodiversity Specialist ) and Ms. Anastasia Gordon (Environmental Policy Analyst)

Ms. Candace Amoroso speaks on Biodiversity and its importance
Ms. Anastasia Gordon sensitising the girls on the causes of biodiversity loss 
  • May 22, 2014 - Session 2: Waste Management and Recycling  facilitated by Ms. Keima Gardiner (Environmental Engineering Specialist)
  • Ms. Gardiner enlightening the girls on waste management in Trinidad and Tobago
  •  May 29, 2014 - Session 3: Climate Change and Ozone Layer Depletion facilitated by Ms. Sindy Singh (Research Analyst) and Ms. Neera Singh (Ozone Assistant, National Ozone Unit)
Ms. Singh Singh talking to the young ladies on Climate Change

Ms. Neera Singh presenting on Ozone Layer Depletion