

Monday, 30 March 2015

13th Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the UNCCD

The thirteenth (13th) Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 13) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) took place from the 25-27 March, 3015 in Bonn, Germany. CRIC 13 was preceded in Bonn by meetings of the Regional Implementation Annexes, from the 23-24 March, 2015. 

A bird’s eye view of the dais during the discussion on “Formulation, revision and implementation of action programmes in view of the post-2015 sustainable development framework”  Photo credit: IISD Reporting Services ( March 26, 2015)

Delegates included representatives from governments, intergovernmental organizations and civil society organizations, attended the meeting. Trinidad and Tobago was represented Mr. Julius Smith, Environmental Biologist, Environmental Policy Analyst, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources.

At CRIC 13, informed  by country reports, other reporting entities and goals of the UNCCD’s Ten Year Strategy (2008-2018), discussions focused on assessing the implementation of the Convention based on five (5) operational  objectives; advocacy, awareness-raising and education; policy framework; science, technology and knowledge; and financing and technology transfer.  Additionally, CRIC participants reviewed financial support for the implementation of the Convention, and implementation of action programmes in view of the post-2015 sustainable development framework.

Of the submitted reports reviewed at the CRIC 13, it was ascertained that there were gaps in implementation which left participants questioning whether the Convention was collecting the right information to instigate further action and whether other tools, could enhance implementation.

Some tools that were suggested included, studies on the costs of inaction in addressing land degradation, enhancing synergies with the Rio Conventions, or adopting a global  target such as land degradation neutrality.

At the end of CRIC 13, a draft report was produced which included recommendations for further consideration at the CRIC 14 and the twelfth (12th) session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD (COP-12) which will take place on October 12 - 23, 2015 in Ankara, Turkey.


Friday, 20 March 2015

Trinidad and Tobago gets a National Waste Recycling Policy!

In February 2015, the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has approved the National Waste Recycling Policy (NWRP).   


Taking into consideration existing overarching policies such as the National Integrated Waste Management Policy and the National Environmental Policy, the purpose of the NWRP is to establish an appropriate legislative, administrative and institutional framework for waste reduction and recycling.  


The goal of the Policy is to reduce waste requiring final disposal and thereby minimise the impact of waste on human health and the environment as well as improve resource use efficiency.


  To access and download the Policy, click on the link below:


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

World Wildlife Day 2015!

Today, March 3rd, 2015 is Wold Wildlife Day (WWD)! It is dedicated to celebrating the diversity of wildlife and raising the awareness of threats to the world’s fauna and flora. March 3rd was assigned as World Wildlife Day on December 20th, 2013 at the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). It was put forward by the Convention on the Convention on International Trade of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) after its 16th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP-16) in Bangkok, Thailand, signifying the day of the adoption of the CITES. 

Trinidad and Tobago comprises of a myriad of ecosystems and this enables it to possess the highest biodiversity level in the Caribbean. It contains over 420 species of birds, no less than 600 different butterfly species, more than 95 types of mammals, 85 varying reptiles, 30 amphibians and 54 freshwater fish species. Furthermore, there are more than 2,100 flowering plants with 2% of these being endemic (native to Trinidad and Tobago).

In light of the importance of our local wildlife, the first National Wildlife Policy for Trinidad and Tobago was approved in December, 2013. The Policy recognises that wild species contribute significantly to national development, livelihoods and human well-being. It focuses on issues related to endangerment, and provides guidance on the management of threatened species. Key policy issues on the management of game species, wildlife habitat and the engagement of civil society in the management of wildlife are also addressed.

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will continue to do its part in the preservation and sustainable management of the country's wildlife resources!

For further information on WWD, please visit: 


See also messages from the Secretary Generals of CITES and of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on the occasion of World Wildlife Day below: