

Monday, 19 December 2016

Results of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey in Tobago

During the month of August 2016, a team of survey enumerators visited the villages surrounding the two pilot protected areas in Tobago, in order to carry out a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
(KAP) survey.  The information was collected from over 400 respondents generally in the northeastern half of the island.

The results of the survey were presented to the stakeholders representing various organizations on the Tobago Subcommittee for the two pilot sites – the Main Ridge Forest and the proposed North East Tobago Marine pilot protected areas.

These stakeholders then took part in a facilitated discussion of the results, to propose strategies for public communication to improve on areas where knowledge is lacking, where positive attitudes and behaviours need to be stimulated and to support existing programmes where positive actions with successful impacts are already underway.

Please click here for a summary of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey results.

Monday, 12 December 2016

On the Trails

November 30th and December 1st marked the first two days of training in trail design and maintenance for 21 government and community-based stakeholders from the six pilot protected areas in the "Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago" project.  The overall objective of the training is to build capacity of stakeholders to design more attractive ecotourism products.

The first day was based at the Pax Guest House and the second day was based at the Asa Wright Nature Centre.  Topics covered included the historical context of these two ecotourism destinations, the products offered to tourists and the typology (characteristics) of the tourists.

The most exciting part of the days’ activities was walking along trails in the vicinity of the two sites and taking in the interesting sights and sounds.  Considerations for trail design were discussed.  These included who are the targeted users of the trails, the use of established historical trails, the use of ridges, gradient, drainage and the type of materials used to construct the trails.

Pax.jpgPax 2.jpg
On the Alben Ride trail from Pax Guest House (at left); view from the trail (at right) .

Asa Wright 2.jpgAsa Wright.jpg

Down the Discovery Trail towards the call of the Bearded Bellbird (at left); Listening to the Asa Wright Nature Centre tour guide (at right)

Promoting improvements in forest and protected area management

Over the past month, the Project Coordination Unit for the “Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago” project took part in recent environmental events to raise visibility of protected areas in Trinidad and Tobago.  Here is a brief outline of these activities:
  •  An observance of the “birthday” of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), marked on World Food Day, was one avenue used to promote the link of protected areas to managing the impacts of climate change”.  The PCU contributed to activities at the popular San Antonio Green Market in Santa Cruz valley and in Tobago, where World Food Day activities took place at the Dwight Yorke Stadium Parade Grounds in Bacolet.  An information brochure was distributed at both events which gave the ordinary person some ideas on how to reduce his/her carbon footprint while practicing agriculture.  Additionally, an Information Leaf which presented information on the issue of farms in protected areas was also distributed.
His Excellency, President Carmona at the Bioblitz event
  •  The University of the West Indies Department of Life Science together with the Field Naturalist Club hosted the annual Bioblitz at the Botanical Gardens in Port of Spain.  The PCU developed a PowerPoint presentation which introduced visitors to the six pilot protected areas in which the project is currently underway.  A set of quiz questions on protected areas was also used for communicating with the public.  The PCU was heartened to see the interest demonstrated in the Bioblitz activity by His Excellency, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Hon. Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, who both visited the event.
  • Nature Seekers held an environmental exhibition titled “Eco Blend” in the community of Matura at which the group also unveiled its new logo.  The PCU shared updates on the project – in which Nature Seekers is an active stakeholder – and placed a focus on the Matura Forest and Coastal Zone pilot protected area.  Visitors were able to write or draw what the Matura Forest and Coastal Zone mean to them on a supersized drawing of the map of the area.  School children took part in a game to learn about the importance of halting pollution of our coastal areas.
Senator the Hon. Clarence Rambharat, Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries (third from right) and Susan Lakhan, Nature Seekers (far right) pose with members of the Project Coordination Unit at the EcoBlend Exhibition

The PCU welcomes these opportunities for sharing information on protected area management and learning more about people’s views on forest and protected areas.  

Friday, 9 December 2016

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago Project Newsletter

The Project Coordination Unit for the project entitled "Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago"  (GCP/TRI/003/GFF IFPAMTT) welcomes you back to Protected - the second issue of the project newsletter - ProtectEd​.

This second issue shares the perspective of a few of the stakeholders that are involved in various Pilot Protected Area Subcommittees and other project updates. We encourage you to read, share with others in your network and share with us your feedback.

We also take this opportunity to wish you the very best for the Christmas Season and the New Year 2017.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Baseline Survey Video Feature

The Department of Life Sciences of the University of the West Indies is undertaking a biological baseline survey in each of the project’s six pilot protected areas.   This survey is focused on six groups namely: arthropods, birds, freshwater fauna, herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles), mammals and vegetation; in Tobago the marine fauna will also be sampled in the project’s lone marine pilot protected area.  Recently the team compiled a short film on their work on coral reef assessment in the proposed North East Tobago Marine Pilot Protected Area. Do enjoy viewing the video at this link:

Launch of Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) National Data Profile

IBAT Country Profiles will be launched at CBD COP13 in Cancun, Mexico on 8th December. We are pleased to share an IBAT Profile for Trinidad and Tobago 

The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) delivers comprehensively validated global data on biodiversity to business, the finance sector and to non-commercial users. IBAT Country Profiles are a new development, designed to assist Parties to the CBD with national reporting and conservation planning. The tool is developed by UNEP-WCMC, IUCN, Conservation International and BirdLife International.

Non-commercial users can download an up-to-date report of nationally-disaggregated spatial data that originate from these global data sets: Protected Planet®, Key Biodiversity Areas, and The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. The data is updated every six months and may be used to supplement national data sets.

See IBAT Country Profiles here. (Please note that registration is required on this site). 

Monday, 31 October 2016

Consultancy Available for Livelihood Assessment Activity

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management Project
- Consultancy Available for Livelihood Assessment Activity
Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago (GCP/TRI/003/GFF) is a full scale project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Government of Trinidad and Tobago through the Ministry of Planning and Development, the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).  The project’s overarching objective is to improve the sustainability of protected areas systems in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago Project (GCP/TRI/003/GFF) is advertising a consultancy to undertake a Livelihoods Assessment study in the Matura Forest and Coastal Zone Pilot Protected Area.
Please click the link below to see further details of the consultancy:
Applications should be submitted to Neila Bobb-Prescott, Chief Technical Advisor at
Deadline for submission of applications is: Monday 14th November 2016.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago Publications

The Project Coordination Unit for the project entitled "Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago"  is happy to share with you the first issue of the project newsletter - ProtectEd. (Click here to view ProtectEd Newsletter)

We also take this opportunity to share with you our findings on farming in protected areas and the national protected areas classification system in the linked information leafs below.

We encourage you to read, share with others in your network and share with us your feedback on this first issue of ProtectEd.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Communication Workshop to improve reporting on forest and protected areas

Where do people get their information about Forest and Protected Areas?  What are the best means of communicating with people that impact on and are impacted by these natural sites?  These questions were part of the key focus of participants in a communication workshop that was jointly hosted by the Project Coordination Unit for the IFPAM project and Nature Seekers a leading
environmental NGO. 

The main aim of the workshop was to improve reporting on forest and protected areas, to influence more positive public attitudes and behaviours towards these resources. 

Attendees gained useful tips on working with the media, using social media and adopting interactive methods in communicating with key target audiences, and also gained insight into the work of an active and successful NGO at this event. 

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Newspaper Article on P3DM in Matura

The Environmental Management Authority published an article in the Sunday Guardian on 28th August, 2016. The article features an interview with Ms. Evana Douglas, a representative from Sky-Eco Organization. She shares her thoughts on the creation of a Participatory 3-Dimensional Model of the Matura Environmentally Sensitive Area. The purpose of the model is to guide improved communication of the Authority with resource users and other managers.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Coastal zone field trip provides insight to Subcommittee

The Subcommittee for the Matura Forest and Coastal Zone Pilot Protected Area recently undertook its first field trip to examine current issues pertaining to management of the area. 

A key aspect for consideration was the feasibility of a physical linkage between the Matura Forest and this satellite coastal zone. 

The field trip took place on August 12th 2016 with stops at Fishing Pond Village, Vega de Oropouche and Matura Village.


Roundtable Discussion centres on Oil and Gas Operations in Protected Areas

The presence of oil and gas operations in the Victoria-Mayaro Forest Reserve as well as areas of the Trinity Hills Wildlife Sanctuary is a key discussion point of the Trinity Hills and Eastern Extension Subcommittee for the pilot protected area (PPA). 
In order to recommend the boundaries of the proposed PPA, and arrive at an informed position that would consider implications for future management, the Subcommittee hosted a Roundtable Discussion on August 5th 2016. 
The activity took place at the Forestry Division Visitor Centre, San Fernando Hill, San Fernando.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

International Coastal Clean-up 2016...Coming soon!

On September 17 2016, be part of the global movement against marine debris.


Monday, 8 August 2016

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey underway in Tobago

What does the average person know about forests and protected areas?  What value if any is attached to them?  Do people play a part in protecting and managing these natural resources?  In an effort to investigate the answers to these and other questions that are relevant to the six pilot protected areas, a “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices” survey was initiated in Tobago at the end of July 2016. 

This activity was kicked off by a training session held with staff and interns of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) and the Fisheries Division. 

The survey will capture views of people living in the general area of the two pilot protected areas in Tobago and will advise a communication strategy for the project. 

Week Three at P3DM – Populating and Polishing

Week 3 at the P3DM exercise at Cumana Village focused on gathering information from stakeholders (“populating” the model) and later, painting of the model (“polishing”) to reflect the various assets and threats at the site.  
The first activity featured lively interaction with representatives of Government agencies and local
non-governmental groups including community groups and religious groups. 
The staff of the Project Coordination Unit of the “Improving Forest and Protected Areas in Trinidad and Tobago” participated in both activities and provided a brief report. 

Monday, 18 July 2016

Week Two at P3DM – Cumana Village, Trinidad

Week two of the Participatory 3-Dimensional Model (P3DM) building exercise at the Cumana Agro-Tourism Centre featured the ‘smoothing’ process, painting of the model and information “population” occurred during the period Monday July 11 - Saturday July 16, 2016.  The co-ordinating team of the Environmental management Authority (EMA) was once again joined by the mixed group of facilitators, including members of the “Improving Forest and Protected Areas Management in Trinidad and Tobago”  Project Coordination Unit of the Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO).

Click here to access the full report.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

New P3DM begins in Cumana

All were hands on deck for the development of a participatory 3-Dimensional model (P3DM) of the Matura National Park Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). This was led by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA), this project got underway at The AgroTourism Centre, Cumana Village, Toco in early July.   

Students begin tracing contours under guidance of the EMA officers

Students enjoying the model-building
The activity is in support of the Authority’s Education and Outreach Programme in the ESA, and is the third component of a project geared towards promoting the use of public participation in the management of sensitive areas, building public knowledge and understanding of the value of the ESA, documenting existing threats to the site and to gather information that will advise on the best way forward on addressing environmental concerns and inform a communication strategy for the ESA.

The model layers are kept in position by glue and metal poles and are reinforced by nails during construction

River valleys and coastal zone areas appear on the model
Additionally, the modelling also fits well into the into the current national project, Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago currently being coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) on behalf of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. The Project Coordination Unit of the FAO therefore provided support to the project in assisting with the training of facilitators for the activity and actual facilitation throughout the model-building process.

Click here to read the full report. 

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management Project - Consultancy Available for Web Development!

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago (GCP/TRI/003/GFF) is a full scale project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Government of Trinidad and Tobago through the Ministry of Planning and Development, the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).  The project’s overarching objective is to improve the sustainability of protected areas systems in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago Project (GCP/TRI/003/GFF) is advertising a consultancy for the development of a  Website for Forest and Protected Areas in Trinidad and Tobago.  

Please click the link below to see further details of the consultancy:

Applications should be submitted to Neila Bobb-Prescott, Chief Technical Advisor at 

Deadline for submission of applications is: Monday  18th July, 2016.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago Project – Consultancy Available!

Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago (GCP/TRI/003/GFF) is a full scale project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Government of Trinidad and Tobago through the Ministry of Planning and Development, the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).  The project’s overarching objective is to improve the sustainability of protected areas systems in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago Project (GCP/TRI/003/GFF) is advertising a consultancy to lead on the preparation of a National Protected Areas Systems Plan.  

Please click the link below to see further details of the consultancy:

Applications should be submitted to Neila Bobb-Prescott, Chief Technical Advisor at

Deadline for submission of applications is: Monday  11th July, 2016.