

MEA Focal Points

A Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA) is a legally binding agreement between three or more states relating to the environment. These international treaties are predominantly established by the United Nations (UN).

MEAs under the Ministry of Planning and Development

In Trinidad and Tobago, MEAs are coordinated by the MEA Unit (MEAU) which falls within the EPPD of the Ministry of Planning and Development. There are three general categories of MEAs: climate change and ozone, biodiversity and waste, representing the mechanisms through which global environmental issues are addressed. The Conventions under the purview of the MEAU are:

Climate Change & Ozone:

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, and its Montreal Protocol



Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

MEA Focal Points

In 2012, the MEAU sought to establish MEA Focal Points, nominated from relevant stakeholders in the public sector, NGOs and CBOs in order to promote participatory management and decision making on national environmental issues. In particular, the role of the MEA Focal Point is envisioned as:
  • liaising with the Ministry as the National Focal Point in respect of the role and functions of their respective institutions in the context of the national obligations under the various MEA
  • providing advice and inputs into strategies and actions to be taken at the national level in the implementation of obligations under the MEA and climate change
  • providing inputs, data and information to facilitate reporting requirements of Trinidad and Tobago under the MEA
  • providing advice and inputs into work programmes of their respective Ministries/agencies in the context of national obligations under the MEA and climate change
  • interfacing with other relevant stakeholders through relevant networking media to enhance co-operation at various levels

MEA Focal Point Sensitisation Session

In an effort to engender participatory decision making among its Focal Point stakeholders, the Multilateral Environmental Agreements Unit (MEAU) of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources hosted a one day Sensitisation and Capacity Building Session on September 19, 2012 at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya. 

The purpose of the session was to sensitize all stakeholders from ministries, Government agencies, academic institutions, industry and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) on the MEAs under its purview. The Session also emphasised the importance of each Focal Point’s role in the success of holistic environmental management with a view to fulfil Trinidad and Tobago’s mandates and responsibilities under its Conventions. Read more about the Sensitisation Session >>

A cross section of the MEA Focal Point Session at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya

Presentations and Information from the MEA Focal Point Sensitisation Session

National Environmental Policies:


Fourth National CDM Workshop and MEA Sensitisation Session 

The 4th National CDM Workshop and MEA Sensitisation Session occurred on November 27th, 2013 at Paria Suites, La Romain. This Workshop sort to bring closure to the CDM Project as well as engender support for the sucessful implementation for MEAs through increasing stakeholder awareness of the Conventions and their implementation.

In addition, the findings from the Reports for the project "Mainstreaming Climate Change in National Development and Capacity Building for participation in carbon markets", a Summary of the UNEP Gap Report 2013 and background information concerning CDM and the future of carbon markets, were presented.  Petrotrin also gave a presentation explaining their CDM project and the lessons learnt going through the process and the potential benedits to other organisations in partnering with them under their Programme of Activity (PoA). 

The session conclude with an outline of future climate change related national initiates and projects were outlined. Read more about the 4th National CDM Workshop and MEA Sensitisation Session...
Cross-Section of the Participants at the 4th National CDM Workshop and MEA Senstisation Session

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