

Monday, 16 July 2012

Building capacity in climate change adaptation

Trinidad and Tobago attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Hands on Training for Latin America and the Caribbean Region on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment, held in Antigua and Barbuda during the period July 09-13, 2012.  

The workshop was organized by the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention, and was attended by Ms Denise Hakim, Research Analyst, MEAU.

The CGE is mandated to provide technical assistance to Non-Annex I Parties to undertake vulnerability and adaptation assessments with a view to improving the accuracy, consistency and transparency of information reported in their national communications. 

The Hands-on Training for Latin America and the Caribbean Region on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Workshop examined the following key matters:
  1. Experiences and Challenges in conducting Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments by Sector
  2. Vulnerability and Adaptation Component of a Future Comprehensive National System
  3. Vulnerability and Adaptation Framework
  4. Baseline Socioeconomic and Climate Change Scenarios
  5. Water Resources – Methods, Tools and Data Requirements for Integrated Water Resource Management and Adaptation Planning in the Water Sector
  6. Agriculture – Methods, Tools and Data Requirements for Agricultural Impact Assessment  and Adaptation  Planning in the Agriculture Sector
      Cross-sectoral and Multi-sectoral Integration and Communication
Participation by Trinidad and Tobago at this workshop supports the current national initiatives being pursued with regards to addressing climate change impacts including sectoral vulnerability in major sectors and aids in the achievement of the objectives of the National Climate Change Policy, including:
  1. Conserving and building resilience of human and natural systems to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change;
  2. Enhanced agricultural production and food security;
  3. Educating the wider public on the potential impacts of climate change and the recommended adaptation strategies; and
  4. Conserving and guaranteeing a sustainable supply of potable water.
It will also supplement the Ministry’s work in the preparation of National Communications to the UNFCCC.

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