Minister of the Environment and Water Resources the Hon. Ganga Singh , yesterday announced a 2 year moratorium on hunting in Trinidad & Tobago with effect from the 2013-2014 hunting season which is scheduled to commence on October 1, 2013. The moratorium will be enforced by the Forestry Division of the Ministry of the Environmental and Water Resources with assistance from the Ministry of National Security. The Office of Attorney General is currently reviewing the penalties and fines in the Conservation of Wildlife Act with a view to amending the existing legislation. The proposed amendments will likely include:
- The fine for hunting of any animal in a Game Sanctuary will be increased from $1000 or 3 months imprisonment to $100,000 or 12 months imprisonment
- The fine for taking a dog into a game Sanctuary for the purpose of hunting will be raised from $1000 or 3 months imprisonment to $100,000 or 12 months imprisonment
- The fine for hunting a protected animal without a Special Game License from the Chief Game Warden will be raised from $1000 or 3 months imprisonment to $50,000 for “each animal”
- The fine for being found on state lands under circumstances of hunting any second schedule animal under the Conservation of Wildlife Act will be raised from $400 or 3 months imprisonment and disqualification from holding a state game license as the magistrate sees fit to $50,000 or 12 months imprisonment and disqualification from holding a state game license to as the magistrate sees fit
- The fine for carrying into state lands any gun or weapon or device capable of being used to hunt any second schedule animal under the Conservation of Wildlife Act has been raised from $400 or 3 months imprisonment and disqualification from holding a state game license as the magistrate sees fit to $5000 or 6 months imprisonment and disqualification from holding a state game license to as the magistrate sees fit
- Hunting in the closed season without a special game license and not under the special conditions to exercise dogs in lands other than Forest Reserves and Game Sanctuaries will be raised from $2000 or 6 months imprisonment to $100,000 or 24 months imprisonment.
- The Hon. Minister Ganga Singh Post Cabinet Media Statement on Wildlife Management
The Legal Notice and the Gazette for the ban on hunting can also be viewed at the following link:
The Legal Notice and the Gazette for the ban on hunting can also be viewed at the following link:
- Legal Notice Conservation of Wildlife Act Hunting
- Gazette Conservation of Wildlife Act Hunting Moratorium
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