

Thursday, 3 April 2014

The Draft Forestry, Protected Areas and Wildlife Conservation Bill is out for comment!

The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources has drafted enabling legislation necessary for the implementation of the National Forest, Protected Areas and Wildlife Policies. 

Stakeholders and interested members of the public are invited to review and submit comments on the Draft Forestry, Protected Areas and Wildlife Conservation Bill and Regulations on Flora and Fauna, Fees, Forests and Forest Resources, Protected Areas, Scientific Research Permits and Special Development Permits.

The deadline for submission of comments is May 31st, 2014. Comments can be sent to the Ministry via:
  • Email: 
  • Fax:         624- 2455
  • Mail:        Level 26, Tower D, International Waterfront Complex, 1A Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain
To download a copy of the template form that should be used to submit comments on the Draft Bill and Regulations, click here.

>> For background information on the National Forest, Protected Areas and Wildlife Policies visit the National Clearing House Mechanism Biodiversity Website  at


1 comment:

  1. Lets all encourage the passion in protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and to recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness lands to humans and other species alike. Thanks a lot for sharing.
