

Friday, 4 December 2015

Inception Workshop for the IFPAM Project in Tobago

On Thursday 3rd December 2015, the Ministry of Planning and Development and the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO/UN) hosted the second Inception Workshop for the Global Environment Facility funded project entitled "Improving Forest and Protected Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago" at the Works Lecture Room in Shaw Park, Tobago.

Assemblyman Godwin Adams, the Secretary of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment delivered the feature address on behalf of the Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA).  In his remarks he described how the project compliments the THA’s actions in forest and protected area management and revealed plans for a large scale reforestation project on the island.  Participants at the workshop included representatives from Divisions of the THA and other key stakeholders in forest and protected area management on the island.

Ms. Nevlin Renwick,

Administrator, Agriculture,Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment delivering opening remarks.

Seated at centre is Assemblyman Godwin Adams, Secretary, Agriculture,Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment.  To his left is Mr. William Trim and Mr. Selwyn Davis from the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, THA

As with the first Inception workshop in Trinidad, this workshop afforded participants the opportunity to review the draft work plans for each pilot protected area and to input into proposed actions and mechanisms to achieving the project's objectives.  Work plans for all the six pilot protected areas were presented with a more detailed focus on the pilot sites in Tobago, namely the Main Ridge Forest Reserve and the proposed North East Tobago marine protected area.

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