

Monday, 18 April 2016

Public Awareness Campaign for the NIP begins!

In fulfillment of the obligations under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), in 2013 the Environmental Policy and Planning Division (EPPD), through funding from the United Nations Development Programme, completed and submitted Trinidad and Tobago’s National Implementation Plan (NIP). The NIP is a five (5) year road map that identifies mechanisms to measure, manage, reduce or eliminate the threat of POPs in the country.

A critical component of the NIP is the roll out of a public awareness campaign, with the aim of sensitizing the nation on the adverse effects of POPs, the mechanisms to reduce their exposure to such toxins, and to provide information on the recommended activities outlined in NIP.  As such, a limited but comprehensive public awareness campaign has been developed to target policy makers, the industrial sector and the general public. 

The main elements of the public awareness package include:
  • Distribution of the NIP (hard copy and electronically).
  • Dissemination of informational material including brochures, flip cards,and posters.
  • Publication of articles on POPs in industry magazines and newsletters such as the Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce's (TTCIC) "Contact" Magazine and the Energy Chamber's "Energy Now" Newsletter.
  • Publicizing of a 45 second advertisment on POPs on local TV stations and MovieTowne, Port of Spain and Caribbean Cinemas Southpark and on various social media platforms.
  • Showcasing of information on POPs and the NIP on the EPPD's Blogspot: 
Promotional material will be distributed to key actors in the waste and chemicals field, schools across the nation as part of an education campaign and the general public during the EPPD's public awareness. 

Be on the look out for information like the promotional material below, on 'what are' and 'how to protect yourself and the environment against' POPs!

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