

Tuesday, 13 August 2019


On Monday August 12th, 2019 the Central Statistical Office (CSO) in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organisation Food of the United Nations (FAO/UN) held a media launch of the Socio-Economic Survey of the communities surrounding the six (6) pilot protected areas (PPAs) under the project. These PPAs are the Main Ridge Forest Reserve in Tobago, the proposed North-East Tobago Marine Protected Area, Matura Forest and coastal zone, Trinity Hills and eastern extension, Nariva Swamp and coastal zone and Caroni Swamp.

The socio-economic assessment is part FAO-GEF Project “Improving Forest and Protected Areas Management in Trinidad and Tobago” and seeks to examine the interactions between the PPAs and the members of communities who live in and around six pilot PPAs.  The study will examine their socioeconomic attributes, reliance on PPAs for various needs (if any) and opportunities for sustaining and enhancing income opportunities through biodiversity-related ecosystem services.  Earlier in the project, an Information Needs Assessment was conducted to identify available information to contribute to the conduct of the socioeconomic assessment, to propose a methodology for data gathering and evaluation and prepare a detailed work plan for the implementation of the assessment.

The CSO will perform the field surveys, aided by a team of technical experts who will provide support to the CSO to execute the field work (using the methodology and work plan referenced above) and to draft a narrative socioeconomic report based on the information identified in the Information Needs Assessment and the field work of the CSO.

The launch of the event featured addresses by the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Development, Ms. Ayleen Ovid; FAO Representative for Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname Mr Reuben Robertson, Director of the CSO Mr Sean O'Brien and Senior Statistician of the CSO, Ms Ava Mahabir-Dass.
Training also began on Monday 12th, August for the enumerators who will soon be engaged in the Socio-Economic Survey of selected communities near protected areas in Trinidad and Tobago". This 2-week training exercise is being held at the CSO, Training Room, Port-of-Spain.

Director of CSO , Mr Sean O'Brien addresses the audience

(L-R) Director of CSO Mr Sean O'Brien; Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Planning and Development, Ms. Ayleen Ovid; FAO Representative for Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname, Mr Reuben Robertson and Senior Statistician of the CSO, Ms Ava Mahabir-Dass

Survey enumerators undergoing training

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