

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Major Highlights of the Socio-Economic Survey of Communities Near Protected Areas in Trinidad and Tobago

On Tuesday December 10th, 2019 the Central Statistical Office (CSO) in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organisation Food of the United Nations (FAO/UN) held a launch of the major highlights of the Socio-Economic Survey of the communities near to the six (6) pilot protected areas (PPAs) under the project. These PPAs are the Main Ridge Forest Reserve in Tobago, the proposed North-East Tobago Marine Protected Area, Matura Forest and coastal zone, Trinity Hills and eastern extension, Nariva Swamp and coastal zone and Caroni Swamp.

The socio-economic assessment is part of the FAO-GEF Project “Improving Forest and Protected Areas Management in Trinidad and Tobago” and sought to examine the interactions between the PPAs and the members of communities who live in and around six pilot PPAs.  The study conducted in September and October 2019, by the CSO, assessed the overall awareness of persons living within close proximity to these pilot protected areas regarding their designation, and measured the impact of these areas on the livelihoods and well-being on nearby residents and the wider community. Aspects examined included socio-economic attributes, reliance on protected areas for various needs, and opportunities for sustaining and enhancing income opportunities through ecosystem services provided by these areas. Earlier in the project, an Information Needs Assessment was conducted to identify available information to contribute to the conduct of the socioeconomic assessment, to propose a methodology for data gathering and evaluation and prepare a detailed work plan for the implementation of the assessment.

The event featured addresses by the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Development, Ms. Melanie Noel; FAO Representative for Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname Mr Reuben Robertson, Director of the CSO Mr Sean O'Brien and Mrs. Rebecaa Gookool-Bosland, Senior Economist,  of the Technical Backstopping Team.

Members of the Head Table (L-R) Mr. Reuben Robertson, Mr. Sean O’Brian,  Ms. Melanie Noel and Mrs. Rebecaa Gookool-Bosland

Mr. Sean O’Brian, Director, Trinidad and Tobago Central Statistical Office

Mrs. Rebecaa Gookool-Bosland, Senior Economist, Technical Backstopping Team

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