

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Official Handover of Enforcement Officer Resources

On Wednesday December 11th, 2019 the Food and Agriculture Organisation Food of the United Nations (FAO/UN) held the official handover of Enforcement Officer Resources stemming from the Improving Forests and Protected Areas Management (IFPAM) Project. 

The handover represents the results of the ongoing efforts of the IFPAM project, in particular three (3) workshops held under the auspices of the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) in collaboration with the FAO/UN between June and August of 2018 at Port-of-Spain, San Fernando and Tobago.  The theme of those workshops was “Boosting our frontline: Improving enforcement of laws for environmental management.”

The objectives of the workshops, were to:
    • Improve knowledge of the impacts of deleterious actions on the health of ecosystems and livelihoods
    • Build and strengthen networks to enable improved collaboration among governmental organisations.
    • Improve knowledge of the Environmental Management Act 2000 Ch. 35:05 and rules; the Forest Act Ch. 66:01; the Conservation of Wildlife Act Ch. 67:01 and other relevant laws, in particular the State Lands Act Ch.57:01 and The Town and Country Planning Act Ch.35:01.
As part of this initiative, three (3) tangible outputs were created;  
  1. An enforcement officer’s guidebook, which lists some of the most applicable legislation, additionally, the guide explains at a basic level the methodology for coordinating among the various enforcement agencies and the fundamentals for laying charges under current legislation.
  2. Standard Operating Procedures have been developed which include photographs of all the species to afford easy identification as well as a list of contacts of the relevant regulatory authorities.
  3. Along with a wallet sized, weatherproofed guide which outlines the ten basic steps for carrying out an investigation. 

Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Development, Ms. Melanie Noel addressing the audience

Mr. Steve Lalbeharry, Regional Coordinator, Emergency Response & Investigations, EMA Describing the Enforcement Materials

Representatives of Different Agencies with Copies of their Enforcement Materials

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